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Exit, Stage Left

"We should probably run."

"Great, what mess have you gotten us into now, Cayden?"

"Oh ya know, the usual"

It wasn't my fault. I made a bet with a couple of the army brats that I could jump from the top of their trucks to the awning above their post. How was I supposed to know it would collapse? So here I was, running, again. I probably shouldn't have punched them after I lost the bet. And what I said about their Mother's was probably uncalled for. Maybe.

I get into tons of messes like this. Making bets I can't honor. I'll admit, I was in crazy debt. But this is the only life I've known. I grew up on the streets, running scams and cons to make a living. It's not what I wanted for my Wife and Son. But this is the only way I knew to provide for them. My best friend Alba was always helping me out...mostly helping me OUT of jams and less IN the jams. To be honest, he was my conscience, that I never listened too. Much like my actual conscience. We made it to our broken down sparrows and motored off. I really could've used that glimmer. Ever since the science nerds created this stuff we've been using it to power our homes. It's handy, but hard to come by for us.

We finally made it to the outskirts of the city. Alba and I parted ways as I headed home. I knew Iris was going to be upset with me. Not only had I spent our last cash for the day, I also didn't get the glimmer I promised. As I headed down the alley I scooped up a broken electronic telescope. I tinkered with it a little to get it back running.


"There's my boy, Ace!"

"What's that?"

"I got it for you! It's a telescope, but it's powered by space magic! Maybe you can see those dragons we heard about since The Traveller came!"

"Stop filling his head with nonsense" My wife, always the grounded one. "Well...?"

"Uh, ok, listen..."

"I knew it. Dammit Cayden. We are barely scraping by as is, you can't keep going off on these fools errands chasing loot!"

"I know. I was so sure I could get it today. Apparently they need some volunteers over at the Vanguard. I think I'm gonna do it."

"Just make sure you come home. You know all those rumors lately about people disappearing and the weird stuff happening at the military bases. People are fleeing the planet like crazy. Guardians are leaving Earth unprotected to explore."

"Bah, rumors. I was just at a base today! It's all 'hoo-rah' and 'hup-two' around there. Besides, I'll probably just be a desk jockey!"

"You can barely do math, they'll have you shining sparrows on Nessus or something."

"Ugh, I hope not. Horrible moon. Nothing but trouble there I hear."

"Here, head down to the corner market. Grab some food for us."

"Daddy, can I come with you?"

"I'll be right back, Ace, don't you worry."

I threw on my cloak and walked out the door. I knew I had let my family down. Becoming a soldier was not my ideal future, but whatever, I needed to protect my family. No more cons, no more scams, no more scraping by. My family will finally get the life they deserve.

"Hey there, Pops!"

"Did you hear? Aliens! They've been spotted! In SPACE!"

"Uhm....yeah....I'll take a bag of apples and some chicken, love me some chicken..."

The next morning I woke early..ish. I gave Iris a kiss, hugged my son as he tinkered with the telescope and headed to the barracks. I approached the front gate.

"Shit." It was the boys from last night. "Oh hello, gentlemen! Good to see you again, how's your Mother doing?"

As I sat in the screening room my eye still throbbed from when they punched me. I deserved it.

"Cayden Elriss, Human, Earth. Wife, Iris. Son, Cayden Jr." The Drill Sergeant was reading my file from his pad.

"Ooh don't forget my pet snake."

"Listen, recruit. I know your type. Smart-ass, sleazy, conniving, scum."

"Wow. You just word for word said my LinkedIn bio."

"Quiet! If it were up to me you'd be polishing sparrows for the rest of your life!"

Dammit, Iris.

"But as it stands, you passed our physical exam with a higher score than any recruit we've ever had. You're a fighter, kid. A stupid one, but a fighter none-the-less."

"Great! Now when do I get my super powers?"

"Bless the Traveller if you ever become Vanguard."

Months passed. It was all hiking, and drills, and fixing sparrows, and harnessing glimmer. Since The Traveller came it's been nothing but peace. Good old BORING peace. Although I was bringing in support for my family, I couldn't keep my head out of trouble. I just loved making bets. Especially high risk bets.

"Ok, so, I bet you 5,000 that I can throw this knife, bounce it off that wall, over your bunk, and nail that recruitment poster of old chrome dome over there."

"Forget it. Not only can you NOT do that, you don't have the money to back it up, Cayden! You still owe me 3,500, you owe the entire 5th division 25,000 AND I hear you still owe Ygrist another 75,000 for a botched cargo job a year ago! You're in over your head."

"Yes. True. But, if I get this, then YOU will owe thou...err, one thous....I don't know, whatever. I'll win the bet."

I knew I was gonna make this. I tossed the knife with the greatest of ease. It hit the wall and ricocheted perfectly. I was gonna do it. It was heading for... THAT WOMANS HEAD.

"Oh, shit!"

She caught the blade with ease. Real sciencey nerd type. Quite the surprise.

"Well, someone is terrible at throwing" She scoffed at the knife and tossed it aside.

"Cayden, come with us." The Sergeant was more casual then usual. Less yelling, he almost looked disappointed.

I was lead to a room with the nerds and the sergeant. We sat at a blank table with a form in front of me. I sat on one side, everyone else on the other. They were wearing badges, they said 'Clovis Bray' on them. The head nerd, Ana Bray - Psycholinguist, as it said on her badge began the meeting.

"Well, Cayden. You've built up quite the reputation."

"My reputation proceeds me sweet cheeks. Is this that promotion I put in for finally?"

"Hardly" She looked very unamused. Which was odd, my humor was flawless. "You've built up quite the debt. Gangsters, soldiers, street vendors. You name it, and you probably owe them."

"Eh, I always pay my debts...eventually...sometimes. Hey, we humans live so much longer now! I got tons of time to pay!"

"Well, we are willing to offer you a deal. We would like you to join us."

"Whoa. This ain't that Scientology crap, right? We got rid of that nonsense years ago."

"No, Mr. Elriss. This is, let's say an awakening. A way for you to put your true skills to use. To protect humanity. To become greater, stronger, faster."

"What exactly do you do, Ms. Bray, Psycho..lang..wiz..ertist?"

"I'm a psycholinguist. I program the Warminds for one, but I take people, like yourself, and transform them. We are the lead in the Exo program."

"NOPE. Full stop. You aren't Robo Copping me."

"We are willing to not only erase your debts, but provide support for your Wife and Son for the remainder of their lives. They will get every comfort we can offer. They will never starve and never want for anything."

"At the cost of me not knowing they even exist."

"Is it better for them to see you be court marshalled? Beaten? Or perhaps be in danger themselves if Ygrist and his gang decide to collect?"

"I protect my family. Always."

"Hmm, he can be serious. Well, think it over. The offer is available if you change your mind. Good day."

The walk home that day was brutal. I wanted nothing more than my family to be taken care of. But the cost. It was everything. My son would grow up knowing his dad didn't even know who he was. A robot without feelings, just following orders. And Iris. My Iris. I felt a drop of water on my cheek.

"It must be raining, cause a Man ain't supposed to cry. But I look up and I don't see....what is that?"

All I remember was a flash of light. No sound, no vibrations, just a flash. As I rose from the ground I felt my entire insides had been shifted. Every movement was a twinge of pain. As my eyes focused I saw fire, smoke, and lots of dead bodies. The sky was blood red. Ships were flying furiously overhead. I could hear sparrows in the distance. Something was wrong. Guardians came out of nowhere, transmatting in with weapons, some herding civilians to safety. All I could think about, was Ace and Iris.

I attempted to get back to our house. The buildings around me on fire, collapsing. Explosions everywhere. There were ships I didn't recognize, sounds I didn't recognize. Like demons screaming from hell. Nothing looked familiar. I didn't know where I was. I was only a few blocks from home, I couldn't be far. Everything was blurry, covered in ash. The heat from the fire singed my skin as I walked by. Why do I feel burning? I felt around, patted on my skin. Was I on fire? No, I was bleeding. I felt it, inside. This isn't good.

I fell to my knees, I could hardly see. Then I saw it. A giant, red beast. Hardened like rock. Eyes glowing demonic green. For the first time in my life, I was scared. I acted accordingly.

"Yes, hello *cough* are you selling Girl Scout Cookies?"

The creature let out a howl that deafened me. It raised its sword high. I just wanted to see my family one more time.

"" *POP*

I opened my eyes and tried to focus. I saw a person. A Guardian. She glowed red and dimmed back to normal as she lowered her smoking gun to her side. The creature was nothing more than ash. She turned back to me.

"Time to get up, soldier. This is no place for a Human to die. The city needs you."

"Shows what you *cough* know. I'm"

Another flash.

"The patient is losing lots of blood. Lacerations everywhere. We have to move quickly."

There were lights everywhere. I was on a gurney. I could hear explosions in the distance. People screaming, the sounds of death. I reached down to my side. There was nothing there. My legs were arm...blood everywhere. I laid back, I couldn't feel anything, no pain, no touch, nothing.

"Hello, Mr. Elriss."

It was the psycholinguini. She took a flashlight to my pupils.

"We rescued you. You've lost a lot of blood in the attack. We can save you, but it will erase your memory."

" Iris...Ace...I can't"

"You're no good to them dead."

"Fine. But try to keep...*cough* looks."

"Everything is complete Ms. Bray. The patient has finished his conversion and ready to be animated."

"Excellent. I'll log this one, then get him to work. The Collapse is upon us. We need him now more than ever."

"Now, wake up Cayde-1, your city needs you."

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