Once and Future Queen

I was destined to be Queen. It was my birthright, my purpose. I was chosen to lead the Awoken.
I was just a child when my destiny was thrust upon me. The Collapse scattered my family and banished us to what would become The Reef. My Brother, Uldren, became my sole protector after our parents had perished. But soon, I would be the one protecting him. He was always a sniveling brat. Demanding respect, but deserving of none. However, he always looked out for my interests and that of our people. His aggressive attitude and ruthless character became an asset in my rise to power. As a child, I was no different than the other Humans before they became Awoken. Once The Collapse hit we soon were transformed, but I became the daughter of the Dark and Starlight.
"I remember everything about the day I was born. I still bear the scars. The Awoken are my family now. And I am their Queen."
I was only a child when I was chosen. The process of becoming Awoken is frightful and painful. I embraced it. Those that experience the greatest power became the Techeuns, the seers and mystics of the Awoken. I experienced everything. The Dark spoke to me, I heard it's voice deep within me. It echoed in my mind, it shattered my reality and destroyed my very being. The Starlight cradled me, picked up the pieces and reformed me like a phoenix.
I had risen.
The Techeuns knew I was coming, but they were not prepared. No one was prepared for my awakening. I had woken in my chamber, surrounded by the devout. They had sensed the great shift in the cosmos. The power of Dark and Starlight had manifested into me. I was Awoken, I was pure power, I was pure rage, I was a Queen. The Techeuns, lead by the Coven Mother Illyn, had prophesied one would rise. One of great power would lead the Awoken out of the darkness. They predicted the fall of the House of Wolves, Oryx, and the betrayal of the Master of Crows.
As I rose I knew my time had come. I was still a child in body, but the entire cosmos existed within my blood. I had to bring our people together. They were broken, they were pathetic, still reeling from the great Collapse. We were like rats scattered from a sinking ship, we'd become festering disease ridden vermin. I knew we were more than that. I stood, I spoke.
"No more will the Awoken cower in the dark, we will embrace our destiny, we will rule."
Only one stood against me.
"You are but a child!" He exclaimed in anger as he approached. "Nothing more than a worm, you are not fit to lead even the insects." His hand raised to strike me. "You will bow to me child!"
The small dagger at my bedside table found it's way to my hand and into his throat. He shuddered, he gasped through the blood, and fell to the ground.
"Mara Sov bows to no one."
No one challenged me again. A lesson that spread as rumor, based in fact. Though some questioned my ruthless approach, they soon learned no to. Only my dear Petra escaped my wrath, my beloved Petra, I welcomed her back. Few saw forgiveness from me as she did. The fall of the House of Wolves was approaching. I knew that shortly the coming of Oryx, and my next life, would soon begin.
Years later, The House of Wolves approached towards Earth. They left their home world of Ceres, a tiny planet with a crown of stars upon it, and headed toward The Battle of Twilight Gap. Their alliance was foolish, their battle plans were foolish, and their hubris...doubley so. The Fallen were animals. Living in spite of the Traveller leaving them in ruin. They didn't find purpose and greater power, instead they sought revenge. Once they were done warring with themselves they gathered an army and headed for Earth. It was then they learned of our existence. Virixas, Kell of Wolves, came face to face with my ships. I chose to lead this meeting head on, despite my Brothers warnings. His ships approached just outside the orbit of Ceres. They stalled in awe as our fleet was revealed. I could sense the static energy in their Servitors as they tasted our presence. The fool. He thought to challenge me, mock me. He learned this was a mistake.
"I am Lord of Wolves. You are an empty thing with two dead souls. This is my House. These are my terms. Surrender and I will only take your ships."
"I am noble too, oh Lord of Wolves."
"You have no line. You have no power."
"Starlight was my mother, and my father was the Dark."
"Call on them, then, and see what help they offer."
My Techeuns were ready. The Harbingers were ready. I felt every death. Like a cool breeze upon my cheek, it mustered a smirk from within. The sheer might of my Harbingers decimated their fleet and laid waste to their tiny planet. Yes, I was an empty thing. Yes, I am filled with the dead souls of Dark and Starlight, but you, Virixas, are mere dust in my wake.
You are nothing.
Some Fallen were taken as my pets, my guards, as penance for their slight against my people. I took Variks, a cunning warrior, on to aid me after he betrayed Skolas and brought him to my Prison. Variks was an asset, but he also was a warning. Betray me, and live in servitude under my boots.
The Reef had been revealed. Our scattered brethren now new they had a place among us. My Brothers Crows had let me know one had even risen to the rank of Vanguard, Zavala. He was a stoic man or great seriousness. He would've made a great King, a shiny trophy for my arm, nothing more. Men are foolish creatures, they serve no real purpose.
Throughout these years I have overseen the Wolves rebellion, welcomed Guardians into my kingdom, and enlisted the help of Eris Morn. She helped bring Crota down, even after an initial failure. She enlightened me the most on the would-be God, Oryx and his Taken army.
Which brings us today. Oryx is at the doorstep. The precipice to destruction of everything we know. I make my final stand. My Harbingers are ready. I know this is where I die. This is where I am Mara Sov, Queen of the Awoken no more.
The energy of the blast sends my consciousness away. I hear my Father speak once more to me.
"You are Queen. Not of just Awoken, but of all. You shall rise again."