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The 5 People You Should Know

You’re going to meet a lot of people in your life. All sorts of professions and all sorts of personalities. We aren’t all adept at those pesky adulting things. The smart solution is to leverage those who are. As you progress through life, you will find it advantageous to know certain people.

Here is a top 5 list of such people.

1. The Mechanic

Knowing someone that can fix your ride is MEGA important. We all have had the experience of going to the shop and them spouting all sorts of jargon and a several hundred dollar price tag when you brought it in just because it was “driving funny”. No one likes to be taken advantage of. Especially for those of us that didn’t grow up with a copy of “Car & Driver” under our bed. now the mechanic friend can do anything from a simple oil change, to maybe a more complicated diagnosis so you know what you should be paying.

But the mechanic is good for all sorts of things. They typically have a truck you can borrow in the event of moving or buying something big. They might even own a plow for your driveway. While they may not necessarily be adept at fixing your life, they can at least help you get from point A to B.

2. The Lawyer

The lawyer is used for speeding tickets and simple things. If you find yourself needing a criminal lawyer, you MIGHT want to rethink the rest of your friendships and life. This is your friend that maybe you knew from High School, or is a friend of your parents. They either do it pro bono or charge you super cheap to take care of those annoyances. I mean, you REALLY needed to finish that call while heading to the grocery store. They can take care of it for you.

Your lawyer friend will likely eye-roll every time you bring another parking ticket to them, however, they are always willing to help. These are very useful people to know.

3. The Medic

Everyone loves to have a healer in their clan. The medic can take on many forms. It might be as simple as your Mom, or as complex as a Doctor friend. But getting free simple medical advice is always helpful, especially if you have kids. We all know if you WebMD it it’ll say you have cancer or something dire, when in fact, you probably should just be drinking more water. However, if you find your medic friend pushing too many pills on you, you might need to find a new healer.

4. The Tech Support

Depending on your digital life, this might be one of the most important and highly used people. The IT “guy” (or girl), is there to fix pretty much everything you do. Phone is being wonky? They know the magic thing to stop that. Break your screen? With some phones they may be able to fix it for you, or at least let you know how much you should be spending and where to go.

They are the only person you might trust to view your internet history if they can get your computer to stop shutting down every few minutes. Outside of digital, they can help your TV look right, or make sure your email is sending properly.

5. The Fix-It

The fix-it is the catch all. They can fix your toilet if it’s leaking. They can help with the disposal, or your dishwasher. Install a ceiling fan, show you where the circuit breaker is (for the 3rd time), or even fix that door that just doesn’t close all the way. Having a fix-it around, especially if you own a house, is very beneficial. Simple repairs can be pricey, especially if you mess them up. But a case of beer and a pizza go a long way when you need a hole patched in your wall after rage quitting a game of Fortnite.

There are exceptions to these 5, of course. As you may be one of them, or one of them might be able to take up 2 slots. There are a few others that I would consider interchangeable. You could easily substitute one for any of the following: Cosmetologist/Barber, Chef/Baker, Barista, Retail Employee(for those employee discounts), tattoo artist, and a workout professional. I would also add in Vet if you have fur babies.

Now, don’t be a dick and take advantage of these folks or use them selfishly. Refer business to them often, pay them when you can, or exchange services if you have something of value. These are definitely people you want to keep on your holiday card list. Keep an eye out in the near future for another post talking about the top 5 personalities you should have in your friends!

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