Measuring success
Everybody is a Genius. But If You Judge a Fish by Its Ability to Climb a Tree, It Will Live Its Whole Life Believing that It is Stupid

The above quote, allegedly from Albert Einstein, was brought up recently and it got me thinking. I've recently started a new job with an entirely new group of people. People who don't know anything about me and now are learning about my past. As I list a bunch of the past careers and experiences I've had I realized I've actually done a lot. Many of the things I mentioned in passing might seem like great accomplishes to some people. So, why don't I feel successful?
I'm not going to go into great detail and chronicle my entire life story, I'll leave that to my autobiography, estimated release in 2050. I will, however, list a few that might be considered monumental.
Appeared in several theatre productions, one most notably from Director Arthur Storch on Syracuse Stage
Was in a LOW BUDGET TV Movie
Toured in a band that opened for large acts in that genre
Opened a business
Got married
Had a kid
Emmy Nomination, NYS Broadcaster Award, 13 Ad Club Awards (video production)
Community Manager/Tournament Organizer for major Trading Card Game